Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church

Our Mission
The Lord is calling Zion to live out its calling to belong to Jesus Christ and to each other by virtue of our baptism; to believe in Jesus Christ by virtue of our faith given as a gift of the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament; to be sent by Jesus Christ as ambassadors of the Gospel in our homes, workplaces, communities, and to the ends of the earth.
All Are Welcome!
Sunday Worship 9:30am

Our Vision
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church is a church that is…
1. GRACE-FILLED. A congregation whose members enjoy a deep relationship with God, with each other, and with our community. A grace-filled church that knows our blessings come from Jesus Christ, our Lord. A church that celebrates its blessings in joyful music. A church that is confident in its belief in God’s faithfulness to us.
2. FORWARD LOOKING. A congregation whose members are forward-looking, not backward-looking, outwardly focused as well as concerned with the needs of members, willing to try and change, knowing that change is not necessarily bad, but can be an opportunity. A church that honors and respects the past but is not nostalgic. A church that encourages and supports new leadership to have a voice.
3. WELCOMING, INVITING AND INCLUSIVE. A congregation that is accepting and welcoming to a broad range of celebrants, individuals and families, with many ages and income levels, appearances and demographics. A congregation that brings a sharing attitude of hope, unconditional love, and acceptance. A safe and welcoming place that nurtures and supports its members no matter their age or where they are on their faith journeys.
4. WITNESSING AND SERVING. A church that is known for what we do, for how we witness our faith, not where we are (building, location) or how many we are. A church that devotes its time, talents and resources to this goal. A church with members who express their faith and devotion to God through service to the world and to one another and live out their faith as a real presence in our community and beyond. A church that leads our community in mission, collaborating with other churches and groups for common community goals.
5. LUTHERAN. A church that celebrates the good news of the Gospel, and lets others know about Lutheranism’s loving and compassionate theology.